Also buying a new home means you pretty much live at Home Depot. I've been 5 times and we have owned the house for 6 days. I've also already had to call an emergency plumber at 10 pm on Monday night. I sold the fridge on craigslist and there was some major leaking that couldn't be stopped. Thanks to 24 hour plumbing services! Luckily I took a Tuesday field trip to Best Buy for some shiny new appliances that are on the way next week. I feel so adultish. I actually really enjoyed buying a new fridge. Weird.
Anywho here are some photos to get you up to speed with our first week. (PS if you follow me on instagram you have prob seen a few of these, apologies for the duplicates).
First Home Depot trip...this was the most fun out of the other 4, mainly because I got a sweet deal on a mirror that I had been stalking.
The leaking water line for the fridge icemaker. First Matt had to crawl under the house, that didn't work. Then I ran to Home Depot covered in paint and dirt and frantically tried to buy a cap. It was too big and too late to go back to the store. So then I called a plumber. The lady on the phone laughed at me.
Yay for buckets! All the plumber did was turn off my water. I didn't have a key or I would have done it myself! Thanks to many years of working at a barn I know my way around a water main. Alas having a key around would have been too easy. Luckily it was just a cheap service call fee. However, the water is staying off until the new fridge can get installed which is making cleanup a little interesting...
The man room got a coat of kilz and some new blinds which has made a huge difference! I still have no idea what I want to paint this room.
Hallway covered in Kilz, be gone Smokey the Bear!
By the end of each day I have been covered and I mean covered in paint and dirt. I used a brillo pad in the shower to get it all off me. Intense cleaning.
Found this beauty at Page's Thieves' Market. So excited to spruce it up a bit and add it to the front porch. Also if you noticed my instagram hashtag #beesonthepooorch here is a sweet video to put that little gem into reference....
And finally I found this chair at Feather Your Nest in Mount Pleasant and I love. It would be wrong to buy a chair and a church bench in the same day right? Right. For now I will just daydream about it hope someone doesn't find it before I can get back to it. Thats all for now!