But, back to TWWTOTKS. I fixed it! It was just a little too country for me. I'm more rustic, industrial, glam than country.
So here is how it all went down:
TWWTOTKS. No explanation needed.
Someone back in the day put a lot of craftsmanship into this and while I appreciate the work, its just not my style.
Next step was to measure the wood for the length I needed.
And then I brought in the in the big guns. Hello, nail gun and air compressor. Long time, no see? I wood glued these guys down as well for extra durability.
With both sides up, I step back to make sure they looked nice and even.
Fast forward a week later and we are done painting the LAST row of the upper cabinetry. This included the wood side pieces I added.
See that green thing being help up over the light? That is my "fauxman shade." Its a fake roman shade and is literally fabric taped to a piece of wood and then folded, iron tapped and sewn together. Young House Love has a great tutorial here, I modified my folds a little bit to suit my needs.
See a piece of wood wrapped with fabric and clamped to the last bit of wavy wonkyness. I then measured, leveled, drilled and....
Boom! It is square! And Modern! TWWTOTKS is gone! I am honestly a little shocked that this idea of mine worked, but it did.
More updates soon!