
Monday, February 24, 2014

Plumbing problems

Homeownership has been a huge blessing and for the most part, tons of fun. But I promised to share it all... Warning this is sorta a gross post, because in general plumbing is gross... Also I talk a lot in this post, with less photos {for somewhat obvious reasons}, so sorry.

Back in October, I glossed over a plumbing blockage we had were sewage backed up into our bathtub. Yuck. A wonderful neighbor/friend came over and set us to rights, but did say that the problem would happen again he just didn't know when. We had our fingers crossed that it wouldn't be for another 10 years. Whoa, dream big! Everything has worked like a charm, but then the last weekend of January, I heard the toilet start to "blub" during my shower. That was the first warning sign last time this went down, so I had an uneasy feeling. MLW called me later that day to report the shower "blubed" on him too. That was when we knew, our plumbing problems where back.

We immediately halted all major water usage, no dishwasher, no washing machine, and lightning fast showers. Luckily we have not experienced the massive backup like we did last time, although some did splash up through our shower. Thank goodness for bleach and every other chemical cleaner I could get my hands on.

So now we are patiently waiting to have our front yard dug up so a new drainage pipe can be installed. We are also getting an up to code cleanout. Its been a lot like camping... and I am not really into camping, "glamping" is more my style. Yay.  The city sent someone out this morning to mark where all the gas lines and water lines are so they don't get cut.

MLW went ahead and dug up the current clean out {which is buried? who does that? } and started to dig out the main drainage line to help lower costs. You pay plumbers by the hour and if we can cut out 1 or 2 because everything as already exposed, it is totally worth it. He quickly discovered the "root" of the problem when he found where the house line connects to the main drainage that leads to the city water. It had tons of roots {ha} through it and a huge crack.

MLW is basically the best man ever for digging it out. The plumber dude was impressed and cut us a deal since he had done so much work on his own. It still isn't going to be cheap though, tax refund be nice to me this year?

Here is hoping it gets resolved soon ....

Our plumbing works!!! They showed up a day late because of snowmageden round 2 (which was not nearly as pretty as round1).  With the help of a backhoe, our front yard was ripped up, pipes laid, and filled back in within about 2 hours. And the best part, we can use our water again. Clean clothes, clean dishes, clean people. Feels pretty nice.

Our front yard is totally destroyed, but hoping to resolve that fairly soon. My neighbors must think we are nuts...

I have never been so glad to see a cleanout above ground. Better yet we have 2!

So there you have it. Anyone else ever experience a traumatic plumbing event?


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