At long last, I'm taking ya'll outside. Prepare yourselves, its a little rough. The only thing we have really done outside is put a new roof on the house, and then dig up the front yard to fix our plumbing problems. The roof was a huge improvement and a necessary evil after water started dripping in over our window this past fall. We knew it was coming, just not as soon as it did. Luckily that is all past us. However, making the outside pretty has just barely begun. So here 5054 is, basically in the same shape as the day we bought her...
The veiw from the curb. Just your average little ranch. The brick color is pretty unique and can be found in a few houses around the neighborhood. The jury is still out on wether or not I'm a fan of the color. I would also really like to get our cars in the garage at some point, but that means I would have to clean it up, and get garage door openers installed.
The hole at the edge of our driveway, I have no idea why it is there. Basically looks like a bucket just took a scoop out of our driveway for now obvious reason. We are going to have that filled in about the same time we do something about the grass from where the plumbing got fixed.
The garage wing with random tree/shrub 1.
Side corner, with random tree/shrub 2. Also the giant gates for boat parking. We will never have a boat, but its good to have in the area for resale since so many people do.
Garage corner again. Aren't those two tree/shrubs random. There are two bigger trees farther away from the house that make more sense, but these to are just odd. I'm thinking they are going to get transplanted somewhere else that makes a little more sense. Maybe closer to the boat gate?
Corner looking around at the garage.
Looking directly at the gargage. I would like to get a pretty potted plant to place in between the doors. Or maybe a vertical succulent garden. Oooo. Also do they make a prettier motion detecter light? I should look into that. And paint the garage doors one day? Add pretty hardware? Life questions.
And moving to the front porch. Sadly this little bit is hidden by our cars right now. I eventually want this nook to be super cute and visible from the street. I'm not really a huge fan of the prickly bushes right here though. I like them edging around the exterior of the house, but I think I want something with more color and less prickly right by the door.

A closer shot, I love the church pew and pillows, but that is about it. I want to switch out light fixtures, repaint the front door, add a glass panel with our house numbers and perhaps start an ivy over the metal guard rails. Put here is the tricky part. I have no idea what color to paint the door. Like I mentioned a few houses around the neighbor hood have this super dark brick, but most play it safe with either black or white doors and shutters. So our house is already the most colorful with tan shutters and a blue door, but I'm still not sold. That being said, I have NO idea what would look best. I would love love love to paint the house white, or a pale yellow, but alas money does not grow on trees. So I'm doing my best to think up a good color pallet that will make me appreciate this brick.
Our threshold needs to be sanded and repainted real bad. If I can ever figure out colors, I'll get on that.
So on to the side of the house off of the den. This is the little landing right outside the door. Also known as the corgi island.
Looking down one side towards the street. Hot mess.
And looking into the back yard.
Oh Hi! This side yard rarely gets used by anyone but the corgs. However, that is the problem. It is mostly a dirt run so any moisture and it is mud city, which turns into muddy paws that come tracking in all through my house. MLW and I have the idea of doing a stone pathway with a really sturdy moss to fill in. The side stays dark and moist longer than any other spot so I'm afraid not much else would grow there. However, the moss would help cut down on the mud and dirt that gets tracked in and hopefully those cute little fluffers would be smart enough to mostly stick to the stone path.
Looking back towards Corgi Island. Lots of dirt.
Rounding the corner on our screen porch.
Just following the corgi, wherever he may go.
And the back deck and screened in poorch. Notice anything a little wonky?
Our screen porch is leaning pretty bad. Eventually I want to get someone in there to jack up that corner and redo the concrete footings so everything is right sided again.
We also want to scrub and then reseal the deck and porch wooden floors, so it lasts a long long while and we don't have to worry about splinters. I have big dreams of an outdoor dining area with string cafe lights over it for this little spot.
The view peeking in our back window, just to give you a sense of where everything is located. We have good tree coverage in the backyard, so it is not this easy for the neighbors to see in.
In the screen porch. I thought the hammock would go nicely in there, but after dragging it in quickly realized it is much to massive for the space. It just feels silly. So eventually I will pull it back out and find a nice spot in the yard for it. Also do they make pretty pull porch lights? Maybe I'll paint the celling blue one day too!
The screen door needs major help. In fact all of the screening needs help. And to not be red. One day.
The extremely messed up dog door. It works to let them in, but then they can't get back out. And yes, Ernie fits through it just fine!
The side "flower" bed. Or dead leaf bed. I need to get my Mom down here to help me plan it out, she is wonderful at plant placement and whatnot. There also used to be a small pond that we need to fill in.
I'm really hoping this hydrangea bush comes back to life. I'm so excited to have free blooms right in my backyard!
The large side yard, with recycling leftover from before we moved on. I should probably put that out now to have it picked up on recycling day. We really haven't gotten out in the yard much.
The view looking back towards the porch. It is a good sized back yard! I have bif dreams of a patio, hammock nook, and fire pit.
And finally I found this most baby, tiny, little clay pot just chilling in the backyard. I brought him inside and can't wait to get a little cactus or succulent to fill him up.
So there it is, 5054 in all of her outside glory. It also makes me realize that MLW and I will probably never run out of projects for this home. She is going to keep us on our toes for years to come. I hope ya'll stick around with me as well, to see what all we have in store.
Ya'll are the best!