MLW was was done with the ugly cabinets and ready to move forward. We had been thinking about starting in here for a few weeks, but every time I would get ready to start I would get seriously overwhelmed and have to take a nap. I'm not kidding, it was stressing me out!
Just diving right in, ended up being the best way to get started and set in motion a whole bunch of exciting tasks in the kitchen...
Like patching ceiling drywall. I'm not super thrilled with how it turned out. I needed to sand it down a bit more than I did, but it looked better than what we started with.
Caulking the splits between the molding and the ceiling. A surprisingly easy and satisfying task.
And generally making the most epically large mess in our kitchen.
We are focusing on just one side at a time, to keep me from needing an overwhelmed nap. So the first set of glass doors went to the garage for an ice cream paint job. Yeah buddy.
I also busted out the ceiling paint after taking down the ugggggllly florescent light fixture. We totally lucked out and the light box was in the middle of the ceiling!
After several coats of white paint, MLW started painting the backs "Vermont Slate" Our winner in the grey/blue lower color. I was a little afraid of how this would look in the end, but after seeing the doors on and realizing most of me "decorative" pieces are white, I think brining a little color up there will look nice.
My clean and white ceiling looking the other way. So much fresher.
And then there is this little guy. Oh light above the sink, how you have stumped me. Luckily we are having a dude come do some other finishing work for us, so I'm going to see what he says about this. Cutting drywall and installing a light box are above my skill level.
But look how much nicer the molding looks where it hits the ceiling. Looks like one solid piece!
So after all of these steps, we inched closer to putting a few of the dried doors back up. Everything is getting switched to brass hardware and we are following the nail holes in hopes of putting everything back up level. (new light sneak peak, more on that later)
So far we are about 60% successful with the doors. One is sticking really bad so I might end up pulling it down and sanding the heck out of it, repainting and then trying again.
OHMGEE! Its so pretty. MLW thinks I'm nuts becuase I keep walking in there an giggling. Can you see where we are going? Its a little nautical looking, but I live near the water so I'm just going to roll with it.
This is going to be a loooooong process so stay with me here. 6 doors haven taken me 6 days.... Get ready!
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