MLW and I have no babies, but we do have a pretty long running joke about bears. Basically I have an irrational fear of bears {Did you see Grizzly Man!?!}, also my spirit animal is a bear. Ironic right? We have a blank wall in the den above the TV = Perfect spot for a print of a bear!
The second part of this story is my desire to frame it up in acrylic like The Hunted Interior. Her step by step made it seem pretty easy. Framing can be pretty darn expensive so I wanted to give this DIY version a go.
Step 3, Animal Print Shop sends their prints with plenty of white space and I need this trimmed down. I was afraid to cut with scissors because I can not cut in a straight line to save my life. I also didn't want to buy a large format paper cutter because those babies are expensive. So I called a few stores to see if they offered paper cutting services. Here is what I learned, Michael's will not cut art at all. How they trim down things for framing I do not know. Office Depot has a large paper cutter you can use fo free or they will cut it for you for like $2. I did it myself but the man working was nice enough to help me. His wife's spirt animal is also a bear.
Step 5, Wake up early on your day off and try to heat up said nail over a candle. Unlike other blogs who have attempted this, we don't have a gas range. So my heat sources where limited. After about 5 mins of roasting my nail over my measly candle, I realized that this would not work. {MLW proceeded to laugh at me all day for attempting this. And yes, I realize it is pretty silly, but I had to give it a whirl!}
Step 6, The Hunted Interior mentioned that a drill could also be used to create the necessary hole. Cool, I have a drill! So I attach my largest drill bit a 1/4" and drill away. Poof hole! Then I try to insert the bolt. Hole too small.
Step 7, I call my Dad to see if he has a drill bit large enough. Drive over to Dad's with acrylic sheets in tow. He ended up having a bit of the right size but I completely cracked one of the sheets in the process. Major bummer.
Step 8, I mention that heating up a nail idea and out pops a propane torch. We heat up a screw safely attached to a pair of pliers so we don't burn our hands. It goes through and is the right size!!
Step 9, Dad sends me home with all the necessary tools and I hit up Lowe's to get a new sheet of acrylic.
*By this point I have been trying to hang up this blasted thing for about 5 hours.*
Step 10, MLW and I proceed to torch a nail and make 8 holes in the acrylic.
Step 11, I used these awesome sticky strips for scrapbooking to attach the print to the acrylic.
Step 13, Put the bolts through the holes and screw into mounted hardware.
But I really do love it, like big love. Also the bear needs a name. Huge kudos to the Animal Print Shop for the image and The Hunted Interior for the idea. I would also like to thank my hubs for buying the print for my birthday and to my Dad for supplying me with power tools and not laughing at my crazy ideas.
I need a beer.
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