
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Birthdays and Brass Lights

I'm back! Sorry for the mini break last week, it was my birthday:D MLW and I also had a wedding in Asheville that was beautiful! We really loved getting to the mountains for a bit to see all the pretty colors.  And I got to bust out my fall/winter wardrobe. My OTK boots and Barbour coat made their official first outings of the season. Yay!
I did also get some pretty sweet birthday presents. Most of course are house related and I'm super excited to share some with you.

First up, these guys. My parents in law get me and I love it. Hippo salt and pepper shakers! MLW and I haven't had salt and pepper shakers  for the past few years ( our first set broke?) so I'm excited to have these little friends. 

Then MLW got me the wall light I've been lusting for the corner in the Den. Its perfect and adustable for my favorite cozy reading/pinterest-ing spot. We also have no other light sources other than the odd pendant ish lights in the middle of the room so it was definitely time to add some sort of lamp. I also plan on getting a floor lamp for by the door and eventually hanging these pendants from Urban up. 

This light is not a birthday present per say, but MLW helped me put it up during my birthday week (yes, we celebrate the whole week around here) so it counts? I purchased them a few weeks back and after my successful venture with the bath light we were ready to pop these bad boys up. Cue neck and back pain. But totally worth it. They look fab and say "Hey Ya'll, I'm an updated ranch!."  The color is a little hard to see but its a perfect antique brass. Most of the light fixtures in this house will probably end up being gold, brass or some variant of. Brass is back.

Remember this crazy, cattywompus light from before? Its gone and on its way to Goodwill.

This is the complimenting semi-flush light further down the hall. The picture is terrible. My apologies! As soon as I have a moment I'll bust out the Nikon and give better photos of both. But, trust me. They are pretty awesome in person. 

Thats all for now, but get ready for a feature wall I've been working on coming up on the blog soon!(Hint: its in the kitchen!) 

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